giovedì 23 giugno 2016

Mountains turning to Miracles!!

by Lana
This morning I could hear the sound of the loudest rockslide. It began with the sounds of the cracking of rocks and then the sound of crumbling. By how loud the cracking, crumbling sound was, I knew they were HUGE mountains cracking.
Instantly my vision opened and I saw mountains that looked like the biggest mountains in the world that looked so intimidating, so huge, so overwhelming, started to crack. Rocks falling everywhere and the mountains then completely crumbled down to nothing and were flattened.
I then heard the Lord speak "Mountains of intimidation, impossibility, adversity and fear are crumbling! They are coming down and the mountains are turning to MIRACLES!!!"
The Lord then spoke again "The mountains that have been screaming "NEVER" (never going to move/happen) I am now decreeing "NOW" (they are coming down". Where the mountains have MOUNTED over you, you will now see MIRACLES MANIFEST before you!!"
"Do whatever you have to do to make room for your miracle... MOMENTOUS MIRACLES are BEFORE YOU!!!!"
"And I will make my mountains into level paths for them. The highways will be raised above the valleys." - Isaiah 49:11

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