domenica 31 luglio 2016

1,000s Turkish forces surround NATO’s Incirlik air base for ‘inspection’ amid rumors of coup attempt

A military aircraft is pictured on the runway at Incirlik Air Base, in the outskirts of the city of Adana, southeastern Turkey. © Stringer
Some 7,000 armed police in heavy vehicles surrounded the Incirlik air base used by NATO forces in Adana in what a Turkish minister called a “security check.” With no official explanation, speculations have arisen about a new coup attempt or VIP visit.
READ MORE: Anti-US rally staged at NATO Incirlik air base in Turkey (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Hurriyet reported earlier that Adana police had been tipped off about a new coup attempt, and forces were immediately alerted. The entrance to the base was closed off.

Security forces armed with rifles and armored TOMA vehicles used by Turkish riot police could be seen at the site in photos taken by witnesses.

tenetevi lontani da ogni cupidigia perché, anche se uno è nell’abbondanza, la sua vita non dipende da ciò che egli possiede

+ Dal Vangelo secondo San Luca

In quel tempo, uno della folla disse a Gesù: «Maestro, di’ a mio fratello che divida con me l’eredità». Ma egli rispose: «O uomo, chi mi ha costituito giudice o mediatore sopra di voi?».
E disse loro: «Fate attenzione e tenetevi lontani da ogni cupidigia perché, anche se uno è nell’abbondanza, la sua vita non dipende da ciò che egli possiede».
Poi disse loro una parabola: «La campagna di un uomo ricco aveva dato un raccolto abbondante. Egli ragionava tra sé: “Che farò, poiché non ho dove mettere i miei raccolti? Farò così – disse –: demolirò i miei magazzini e ne costruirò altri più grandi e vi raccoglierò tutto il grano e i miei beni. Poi dirò a me stesso: Anima mia, hai a disposizione molti beni, per molti anni; ripòsati, mangia, bevi e divèrtiti!”. Ma Dio gli disse: “Stolto, questa notte stessa ti sarà richiesta la tua vita. E quello che hai preparato, di chi sarà?”. Così è di chi accumula tesori per sé e non si arricchisce presso Dio».

Parola del Signore

The Light of the Truth will inflame the world, despite the ever growing darkness

Allow Me to lift you, from all harm, to safety away from the Antichrist.

My dearly beloved daughter  hear Me now as I inform you that My Time is almost upon the world.
Your time is short as the days of darkness fade and a new dawn, a new beginning will emerge.
All  your tears of fear and distress are almost over with little time left for the Glorious Era of Peace to emerge.
The renewal of the Kingdom of the Earth will shortly take place and My Dominion over all of God’s children will replace the seat of Satan.
Your confusion, My followers over the authenticity of My Calling to you now, will disappear.
All will become clear, like the crystal clean waters of a spring from My Heavenly Body, as it gushes forth now to consume the hearts of all God’s children.
The Light of the Truth will inflame the world, despite the ever growing darkness which has settled like a festering disease over every corner of the earth.
Soon the Truth will set you free, clear away all  your doubts, your fears and will release within you a clarity of mind and soul. Then, filled with My Holy Spirit, a global conversion will take place.
Those whose faith is weak will be renewed and the Truth of a new Christian Army will come into being.
Hope, love and prayer will sustain you as I lead the world towards the New Legacy promised to you for so long.
To those of you who are fearful of My messages just remember this.
The world which awaits you is a great Gift for you and your families. It is a Paradise which you should be longing for  as nothing on earth, as you know it, can compare.
If you love Me, then trust in My Goodness, My Love, My promise to bring you into the Glorious inheritance for which you were born.
Surrender all your worries and fears now.
Allow Me to lift you, from all harm, to safety away from the Antichrist.

Recite this Crusade Prayer (71) Prayer to save us from the persecution
Oh Jesus save God’s children from the Antichrist.
Protect us from the plans to control the earth.
Lord, save us from the persecution.
Protect dark souls from the antichrist so that they can be redeemed
in Your Eyes.
Help us in our weakness.
Strengthen us in spirit to rise and lead each other as we march in
 Your army to the Gates of Paradise.
I need You Dear Jesus.
I love you Dear Jesus.
I Glorify Your Presence on earth.
I shun the darkness.
I adore You and I surrender myself in body and spirit
so that You can  reveal to me the Truth of Your Presence so that
I will always trust in Your Mercy at all times.
Go now and prepare your souls so that you remain strong and loyal to Me as I lead you towards Eternal Life.
Your Jesus

The true Word of God is no longer declared openly even by servants of God in the Church.

Virgin Mary: Failure to proclaim the Truth of my Son’s Teachings means that God is being forgotten

My child the persecution you are enduring is because of the publication of the Book of Truth.
The evil one is placing obstacles along your path and will stop at nothing to wear you down.
It is important to ignore the constant wicked lies with which you are being presented by those who claim to be knowledgeable about the Word of God.
Their dismissal of these messages is not important. Only the Word of my Son is what you must respond to and nothing else.
You must trust in my Son and remain silent when those blinded by lies who try to engage with you to trip you up. Do not listen. Do not respond. Instead, simply proclaim the Word of God.
My child so many followers of Christ are suffering at this time. Their voices are but whispers in a world which shouts about the glory of earthly wonders.
The true Word of God is no longer declared openly even by servants of God in the Church.
Embarrassed to be seen to openly declare the Truth they wander hopelessly trying to find their way amongst the confusion caused by secularism.
The offense which is caused when God, or my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, are mentioned is widespread. Very few souls are brave enough to stand up and declare themselves soldiers of Christ.
Even holy souls are frightened to do this for fear of causing outrage amongst the heathen.
Failure to proclaim the Truth of my Son’s Teachings means that God is being forgotten.
How I weep when I see poor little children who are being ignored by their guardians in the development of their souls.
They lack the nourishment of the Holy Spirit because they are not taught how to profess their love for God. Many do not believe in God the Father. This saddens Him.
You, my child, have been given a difficult task. When you declare to the world the contents of these messages from Heaven you are attacked from three sources.
Those who believe in God but who refuse to listen to the Word of God as it is being given to the world now.
Those who profess to be leaders in my Son’s Church on earth who refuse to listen because they do not accept prophecy.
And then those who do not believe in God at all.
Your voice will continue to fall on deaf ears but you must not let this discourage you.
All you have to do is to obey my Son in all things and leave everything in His Holy Hands.
In time they will listen. When they do many souls will turn to my Son with love and joy in their hearts.
You must never falter or delay in your response to my Son’s request to ensure that everyone in the world I given the Word of God at this time.
I ask all of God’s children to respond to my call to pay allegiance to my Son’s Holy Word now. He loves all of God’s children and wishes to prepare every soul for His long awaited Second Coming.
Do not deny Him. Accept His Hand of Mercy before it is too late.
Your loving Mother
Queen of the Earth
Mother of Salvation
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Fratelli, se siete risorti con Cristo, cercate le cose di lassù, dove è Cristo, seduto alla destra di Dio;

Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo ai Colossèsi

Fratelli, se siete risorti con Cristo, cercate le cose di lassù, dove è Cristo, seduto alla destra di Dio; rivolgete il pensiero alle cose di lassù, non a quelle della terra.
Voi infatti siete morti e la vostra vita è nascosta con Cristo in Dio! Quando Cristo, vostra vita, sarà manifestato, allora anche voi apparirete con lui nella gloria.
Fate morire dunque ciò che appartiene alla terra: impurità, immoralità, passioni, desideri cattivi e quella cupidigia che è idolatria.
Non dite menzogne gli uni agli altri: vi siete svestiti dell’uomo vecchio con le sue azioni e avete rivestito il nuovo, che si rinnova per una piena conoscenza, ad immagine di Colui che lo ha creato.
Qui non vi è Greco o Giudeo, circoncisione o incirconcisione, barbaro, Scita, schiavo, libero, ma Cristo è tutto e in tutti.

Parola di Dio

Ritorna, Signore: fino a quando?

Signore, sei stato per noi un rifugio di generazione in generazione.
Tu fai ritornare l’uomo in polvere,
quando dici: «Ritornate, figli dell’uomo».
Mille anni, ai tuoi occhi,
sono come il giorno di ieri che è passato,
come un turno di veglia nella notte.

Tu li sommergi:
sono come un sogno al mattino,
come l’erba che germoglia;
al mattino fiorisce e germoglia,
alla sera è falciata e secca.

Insegnaci a contare i nostri giorni
e acquisteremo un cuore saggio.
Ritorna, Signore: fino a quando?
Abbi pietà dei tuoi servi!

Saziaci al mattino con il tuo amore:
esulteremo e gioiremo per tutti i nostri giorni.
Sia su di noi la dolcezza del Signore, nostro Dio:
rendi salda per noi l’opera delle nostre mani,
l’opera delle nostre mani rendi salda.

Vanità di vanità

Dal libro del Qoèlet

Vanità delle vanità, dice Qoèlet,
vanità delle vanità: tutto è vanità.
Chi ha lavorato con sapienza, con scienza e con successo dovrà poi lasciare la sua parte a un altro che non vi ha per nulla faticato. Anche questo è vanità e un grande male.
Infatti, quale profitto viene all’uomo da tutta la sua fatica e dalle preoccupazioni del suo cuore, con cui si affanna sotto il sole? Tutti i suoi giorni non sono che dolori e fastidi penosi; neppure di notte il suo cuore riposa. Anche questo è vanità!

Parola di Dio

I never change. I never adapt to new ways, for I Am as I always Was and will Be.

I never change. I never adapt to new ways, for I Am as I always Was and will Be. I Am Eternal

My dearly beloved daughter, every visionary, seer or prophet, who comes from Me, will soon face great trials, the likes of which they have never had to endure before. Many, who recognize their authenticity and who have been loyal to them, will turn their backs on them and they will be cast to one side, as the spirit of darkness envelops nation after nation, where love and charity will disappear. Man against man, country against country, man against God.
These periods of upheaval will be distressing for many and your only source of comfort and strength will come from Me, but only if you seek Me out. I Am your Rock; the Rock which is impenetrable; the Rock which cannot crumble; the Rock which you will embrace when nothing solid will be in place in the houses which give shelter to My Spirit. Edifices, which have been built to honour Me, will come tumbling down. Some will be turned into other buildings, which will be used for other purposes, but not for honouring Me.
I Am the Rock upon which the Church was built and I will remain in place for eternity. Many have come seeking Me out and I gave them Life. Others came, but could not find Me because their stubborn hearts were lacking in love and a generosity of spirit. And now, as everything I taught you will be challenged and the foundation upon which My Church was built be shaken, beyond your understanding, I will still remain in place. Solid as the Rock that I Am, and you will come to Me seeking solace, strength and courage. I will respond to each of you, by the pouring out of the great Graces, which have been reserved for you, for the times which lie ahead. I Am the Church. I Am Present in the Church. The building is made of stone, but I Am the Rock, upon which the foundation of My Church was built. I never change. I never adapt to new ways, for I Am as I always Was and will Be. I Am Eternal.
My Church will remain standing, for I Am the Church, until the end of time.
Your beloved Jesus
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Antifona d'ingresso
O Dio, vieni a salvarmi.
Signore, vieni presto in mio aiuto.
Sei tu il mio soccorso, la mia salvezza:
Signore, non tardare. (Sal 70,2.6)

They will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church

They will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church by holding a referendum

My dearly beloved daughter, always remember how the devil works. He is very careful not to reveal himself. He, therefore, mixes truths and lies together, in order to confuse. This is his favourite way to deceive souls. He would never tell the truth, by allowing others to see how he really is, but because he is proud, his arrogance and his hatred for Me will always seep out. Those whose eyes are open will immediately recognize the insults, which are thrown in My Face and before My altars.
Satan, remember, is proud, arrogant, boastful and very, very cunning. When he is present in souls, he has a confidence, which is borne out of pride and arrogance and a belief that he is above God. He will always give signs, which insult God, but only those who know what to look for will see them. Those who honour Satan, and who spend much of their time in groups which organize rituals to pay homage to him, will be delighted to see these signs. All who have sold their souls to Satan will communicate, through such signs, as an arrogant and defiant gesture against Me, Jesus Christ.
Those who deceive you, in My Name, will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church, by holding a referendum. All will be asked to condone new practices, which amount to two things. The first is to wipe out My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. The second is to condone sin, by encouraging people to show sympathy for the human rights of those who do not believe in Jesus Christ.
This referendum will be falsified and lies will be presented as the Truth. When the new one world religion is introduced, My Church on Earth – the True Church – will go into hiding, in order to pay homage to Me.
I Am the target of the beast. I Am Who he wants to hurt. He knows he cannot destroy Me, so he will instead try to destroy the human race, who he curses every second. His servants will not stop by just insulting My Presence in the Tabernacles of the world. They will not be happy to destroy only the Sacraments, so that they can blaspheme against Me. They will only be happy when they steal souls by creating the greatest blasphemy of all. This is when they will recreate My First Coming by giving the impression that John the Baptist has been sent. The man who will say he is the Lord’s prophet will lie and cause such wonder when he declares that the antichrist is Me, Jesus Christ.
The antichrist will, through the power of Satan, claim to be Me, Jesus Christ. Woe to those souls who welcome him into their arms, for they will be powerless against him. Allow these two to suck you into their vacuum of lies and you will be so far removed from Me that only by the Intervention of My Father can you be brought into My Great Mercy.
When anyone who comes in the future, and claims to be Me, Jesus Christ, know that he is a liar. I will not come in the flesh a second time. Satan cannot utter these words:
“Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh.”
What he will say, through the mouth of the beast, the antichrist, will be the following:
“I am Jesus Christ, I have now come in the flesh, to bring you salvation.”
When this happens My Divine Intervention will be swift, but by then the false prophet and the antichrist will have stolen many souls.
Pray, pray, pray that all those who say they are Mine remain Mine.
Pray that you will all have the strength and courage to carry My Cross during the greatest persecution of My Body – My Mystical Body – My Church on Earth at this time.
Your Jesus
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Mother of Salvation: Just as the Holy Word of God can unite souls, so too can it cause great division

My child, when you love my Son, Jesus Christ, it will bring all those who truly love Him close together. When those who love my Son find it difficult to love others, they need to call on Me, the Mother of Salvation, to open their hearts.
The Love of my Son is so powerful, that with the Power of the Holy Spirit, it can spread so quickly from one corner of the world into every part. When my Son’s Holy Word is given to all of God’s children, through this Mission, it will tear through the hearts of humble souls, who recognize the Saviour as He speaks. The Love, which emanates from His Word, given to you at this time in the history of mankind, will unite millions of souls, instantly, as if you were known to each other all your lives. So powerful is it, that it can, through the power of tongues, spread from nation to nation, in all languages, quickly. This is how you know that these Words, through these Messages, come from my Son.
Just as the Holy Word of God can unite souls, so too can it cause great division. The hatred, which ensues as the Word of God devours souls, is at its worst. When these Messages attract such hatred and wicked actions, by those who call themselves true disciples of my Son, know then that it is the evil one who causes this. My poor souls, my poor confused children, you must never turn your back when you are unsure of my Son’s Words. You must keep an open mind and remain true to what He taught you. Do not judge anyone in His Name. Love one another. If you do not believe that God has sent His final prophet, then it does not matter. Please remember though, your obligation – by carrying out your duties to my Son, by adhering strictly to His Teachings.
You must never accept that He would bless any new doctrine, which He did not give the world when He walked the Earth. He would never condone anything, which substitutes His death on the Cross on the altars of the world.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
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La risposta di Benedetto XVI a Galantino:
"Ma neppure dieci giusti si trovavano in Sodoma e Gomorra, e le città vennero distrutte. Una distruzione paradossalmente testimoniata come necessaria proprio dalla preghiera d’intercessione di Abramo. Perché proprio quella preghiera ha rivelato la volontà salvifica di Dio: il Signore era disposto a perdonare, desiderava farlo, ma le città erano chiuse in un male totalizzante e paralizzante, senza neppure pochi innocenti da cui partire per trasformare il male in bene. Perché è proprio questo il cammino della salvezza che anche Abramo chiedeva: essere salvati non vuol dire semplicemente sfuggire alla punizione, ma essere liberati dal male che ci abita. 
Non è il castigo che deve essere eliminato, ma il peccato, quel rifiuto di Dio..."
(Benedetto XVI - Udienza del 18.5.2011)

sabato 30 luglio 2016



Genesi 19,1-26

1 I due angeli arrivarono a Sòdoma sul far della sera, mentre Lot stava seduto alla porta di Sòdoma. Non appena li ebbe visti, Lot si alzò, andò loro incontro e si prostrò con la faccia a terra. 2 E disse: «Miei signori, venite in casa del vostro servo: vi passerete la notte, vi laverete i piedi e poi, domattina, per tempo, ve ne andrete per la vostra strada». Quelli risposero: «No, passeremo la notte sulla piazza». 3 Ma egli insistette tanto che vennero da lui ed entrarono nella sua casa. Egli preparò per loro un banchetto, fece cuocere gli azzimi e così mangiarono. 4 Non si erano ancora coricati, quand'ecco gli uomini della città, cioè gli abitanti di Sòdoma, si affollarono intorno alla casa, giovani e vecchi, tutto il popolo al completo. 5 Chiamarono Lot e gli dissero: «Dove sono quegli uomini che sono entrati da te questa notte? Falli uscire da noi, perché possiamo abusarne!». 6 Lot uscì verso di loro sulla porta e, dopo aver chiuso il battente dietro di sé, 7 disse: «No, fratelli miei, non fate del male! 8 Sentite, io ho due figlie che non hanno ancora conosciuto uomo; lasciate che ve le porti fuori e fate loro quel che vi piace, purché non facciate nulla a questi uomini, perché sono entrati all'ombra del mio tetto». 9 Ma quelli risposero: «Tirati via! Quest'individuo è venuto qui come straniero e vuol fare il giudice! Ora faremo a te peggio che a loro!». E spingendosi violentemente contro quell'uomo, cioè contro Lot, si avvicinarono per sfondare la porta. 10 Allora dall'interno quegli uomini sporsero le mani, si trassero in casa Lot e chiusero il battente; 11 quanto agli uomini che erano alla porta della casa, essi li colpirono con un abbaglio accecante dal più piccolo al più grande, così che non riuscirono a trovare la porta.
12 Quegli uomini dissero allora a Lot: «Chi hai ancora qui? Il genero, i tuoi figli, le tue figlie e quanti hai in città, falli uscire da questo luogo. 13 Perché noi stiamo per distruggere questo luogo: il grido innalzato contro di loro davanti al Signore è grande e il Signore ci ha mandati a distruggerli». 14 Lot uscì a parlare ai suoi generi, che dovevano sposare le sue figlie, e disse: «Alzatevi, uscite da questo luogo, perché il Signore sta per distruggere la città!». Ma parve ai suoi generi che egli volesse scherzare. 15 Quando apparve l'alba, gli angeli fecero premura a Lot, dicendo: «Su, prendi tua moglie e le tue figlie che hai qui ed esci per non essere travolto nel castigo della città». 16 Lot indugiava, ma quegli uomini presero per mano lui, sua moglie e le sue due figlie, per un grande atto di misericordia del Signore verso di lui; lo fecero uscire e lo condussero fuori della città. 17 Dopo averli condotti fuori, uno di loro disse: «Fuggi, per la tua vita. Non guardare indietro e non fermarti dentro la valle: fuggi sulle montagne, per non essere travolto!». 18 Ma Lot gli disse: «No, mio Signore! 19 Vedi, il tuo servo ha trovato grazia ai tuoi occhi e tu hai usato una grande misericordia verso di me salvandomi la vita, ma io non riuscirò a fuggire sul monte, senza che la sciagura mi raggiunga e io muoia. 20 Vedi questa città: è abbastanza vicina perché mi possa rifugiare là ed è piccola cosa! Lascia che io fugga lassù - non è una piccola cosa? - e così la mia vita sarà salva». 21 Gli rispose: «Ecco, ti ho favorito anche in questo, di non distruggere la città di cui hai parlato. 22 Presto, fuggi là perché io non posso far nulla, finché tu non vi sia arrivato». Perciò quella città si chiamò Zoar.
23 Il sole spuntava sulla terra e Lot era arrivato a Zoar, 24 quand'ecco il Signore fece piovere dal cielo sopra Sòdoma e sopra Gomorra zolfo e fuoco proveniente dal Signore. 25 Distrusse queste città e tutta la valle con tutti gli abitanti delle città e la vegetazione del suolo. 26 Ora la moglie di Lot guardò indietro e divenne una statua di sale.

My Catholic Church has been torn into shreds, yet the soul of My Church will never be taken or consumed by Satan.

My dearly beloved daughter when I endured the agony in the garden the greatest abomination, shown to Me by Satan, was the disloyalty of the Catholic and Apostolic Church in the end times.
This is where Satan, who tormented Me with visions of the future, showed Me the lukewarm servants of the Church in these, your times.
They have allowed pride and false truths, dominated by their tolerance of sin, to blind them to the Truth of God.
Their allegiance to worldly pursuits means that many of My sacred servants do not have the compassion or humility in their souls to lead My followers towards the sanctity required to save their souls.
So many have turned against me although they say they love God’s children.
By promoting tolerance in the Name of God, they present a false doctrine, which masks the Truth.
Those dissidents in My Church on earth, who claim to be creating a new type of following in the name of the Catholic Church, but who deny My teachings, are being tempted by Satan who wants to destroy My Church.
He, the evil one, has already caused terrible sin to corrupt My Church and now wants to hammer in the final nails when he will crucify My Church and, in turn, cast into Hell those sacred servants of Mine who desecrate the Word of God by facilitating the acceptance of sin among God’s children.
Their sin of slapping Me in the Face, by parading obscenities before Me, which they claim are acceptable and tolerated by God, will be severely punished.
They dare, through the sin of pride and deceit, to mislead souls and direct them into a den of darkness, without understanding how they are condemning souls into the lake of fire.
Many of My sacred servants are being misled and don’t know it. Yet many such servants, if they are honest with themselves, are confused.
Then there are those who pose as My sacred servants but come from the other side. Slaves to the beast they deliberately present themselves as my anointed priests.
They cause Me such terrible anguish. Not only do they corrupt souls they have knowingly created a pact with Satan who will devour them.
They perform vile acts on My altars, before the Holy Eucharist but few know that they commit such acts. Yet I yearn for their souls.
My Catholic Church has been torn into shreds, yet the soul of My Church will never be taken or consumed by Satan. But the servants of My Church can be seduced and destroyed by the beast.
This is the time for Me to intervene to help them rise above these terrible torments.
I need you, My followers, and those sacred servants among you who understand what is happening amongst you to say this Crusade Prayer (70) Prayer for Clergy to remain firm and true to the Holy Word of God
O dear Jesus, help Your sacred servants to recognise
the schism within Your Church as it unfolds.
Help Your sacred servants to remain firm and true to Your Holy Word.
Never let worldly ambitions cloud their pure love for You.
Give them the graces to remain pure and humble before You and to
Honour Your Most Holy Presence in the Eucharist.
Help and guide all those sacred servants who may be lukewarm
in their love for You and re-kindle the fire of the Holy Spirit in their souls.
Help them to recognise temptation placed before them to distract them.
Open their eyes so they can see the Truth at all times.
Bless them Dear Jesus at this time and cover them with Your
Precious Blood to keep them safe from harm.
Give them the strength to resist the seduction of Satan, should they be distracted by the allure of denying the existence of sin.
My sacred servants are the backbone of My Church.
They are the first in line to face a terrible onslaught of attack from Satan at this time.
Help Me to steer them on the path to salvaging the remnants of My Church as it heads into the schism which will be created by the False Prophet shortly.
Gather together and pray for the unification of My sacred servants who are needed to keep My Church strong in the days which lie ahead.
Your Jesus

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Newsletter di Gesù all'umanità

Posted: 29 Jul 2016 07:00 PM PDT

Il Mio cuore si spezza quando vedo la paura nei vostri occhi, figli, quando faccio riferimento alla fine dei tempi.

Invece, vi chiedo di avere fiducia nel Mio grande amore per tutti voi e sappiate che la Mia promessa è che sarete veramente a casa con Me e le vostre pene saranno bandite per l’eternità.

Il Nuovo Paradiso che ho promesso sarà rivelato all’umanità molto presto.

Non abbiate un solo momento di paura. Rallegratevi del vostro futuro.
Confidate in Me completamente poiché vi amo troppo per deludervi.
Pregate affinché tutti i Miei figli siano umili di cuore per accettare le chiavi del Paradiso.

8 Aprile 2012 – Il Cielo e la terra diventeranno un tutt’uno. Uno non esisterà senza l’altro.

Mia amatissima figlia, il tempo per il Mio Regno sulla terra si sta avvicinando e non c’è cosi tanto tempo per l’umanità di raccogliere la Mia Misericordia e pentirsi.

È  anche importante che la Mia Chiesa prepari il suo gregge per la vita eterna e utilizzi ogni occasione per favorire la riconciliazione.

Questo è un momento importante dell’anno ed è necessario rivolgersi a Me, il vostro Gesù, e pregare per le grazie per assicurare che voi, Miei seguaci, abbiate la forza di convinzione per diffondere la verità della Mia Seconda Venuta.

La sofferenza dell’umanità e quella del Mio Padre Eterno e Mia, suo Figlio diletto, stanno arrivando finalmente a termine.

Il regno di Satana sulla terra cesserà ed Io assumerò il Mio trono legittimo.

Benché il Mio Regno all’interno della Mia Chiesa abbia fatto sì che il Mio spirito fosse presente, con grandi grazie offerte alle anime meritevoli, la volontà del Padre Mio potrà finalmente essere compiuta solo quando Satana sarà incatenato.

Nessun uomo comprende veramente cos’è la Vita Eterna.

Nessun uomo comprende pienamente che cosa accadrà alla Mia Seconda Venuta.

Nessun uomo, a causa dei limiti della comprensione umana, può conoscere i Miei piani per il raduno delle Miei dodici nazioni sulla terra.

Tanti credono che la Mia Seconda Venuta sia la fine del mondo.
Può essere la fine dei tempi come li conoscete, ma è solo l’inizio del glorioso futuro progettato dal Mio Padre Eterno per tutti i Suoi figli.
Il Cielo e la terra diventeranno un tutt’uno.

Uno non esisterà senza l’altro. Il giusto vivrà nel Mio Nuovo Paradiso e ci sarà grande abbondanza in tutte le cose.

Tanta Meraviglia non può mai essere descritta in termini umani. Una grande pace e gioia saranno sentite da ogni anima che erediterà il diritto di far parte del Mio Regno.

Il Mio cuore si spezza quando vedo la paura nei vostri occhi, figli, quando faccio riferimento alla fine dei tempi.

Invece, vi chiedo di avere fiducia nel Mio grande amore per tutti voi e sappiate che la Mia promessa è che sarete veramente a casa con Me e le vostre pene saranno bandite per l’eternità.

Il Nuovo Paradiso che ho promesso sarà rivelato all’umanità molto presto.

Non abbiate un solo momento di paura. Rallegratevi del vostro futuro.
Confidate in Me completamente poiché vi amo troppo per deludervi.
Pregate affinché tutti i Miei figli siano umili di cuore per accettare le chiavi del Paradiso.

Il vostro Gesù


- Richieste di preghiera: qua

- Quarto giorno: Compleanno della Madre della Salvezza: Novena, dal 27 luglio al 4 agosto, qua

 qua pubblichiamo le informazioni da non  perdere.

-Crociate per argomento: Per salvarci dalla persecuzione, qua

-IL QUINTO SIGILLO: Martiri e Santi gridano. Ap 6 :9-1, qua

Crociate per argomento:  Per ridurre la strage degli innocenti : 162, 166, qua

- Il falso profeta sarà trattato come un santo vivente. Chi si opporrà a lui sarà considerato un eretico, qua

- Come se un miracolo fosse accaduto, il falso profeta sembrerà resuscitare dalla morte, qua


Rivolta araba provocherà disordini globali – l’Italia innescherà l’accadimento, qua

Luglio, il mese dedicato al preziosissimo sangue di Gesù, qua

L’amore e l’adorazione in abbondanza vi rendono più forti e più calmi, qua

-I favori concessi quando ricevete il Corpo di Mio Figlio, qua.

-  Le nostre pagine, qua  (in particolare vi aspettiamo per pregare insieme su questa pagina dove ci sono appuntamenti di preghiera )

-Preghiera per l'immunità data da Dio Padre, da recitarsi per un mese, qua

- Preparatevi sempre, ogni giorno, come se l’Avvertimento fosse domani, perché scenderà su di voi improvvisamente, qua

- Libro della Verità- Mini webcast parte 9-  ,Lotta al male, qua

- "Il Mio amato Papa Benedetto XVI è stato perseguitato ed è fuggito, come era stato predetto. Io non ho designato questa persona che sostiene di venire nel Mio Nome.Egli, Papa Benedetto, guiderà i Miei seguaci verso la Verità. Io non l’ho abbandonato e lo tengo vicino al Mio Cuore e gli offro il conforto di cui ha bisogno in questo momento terribile. Il suo Trono è stato rubato. Ma non il suo potere", qua

- L’anticristo verrà da Oriente, non da Occidente , qua

Come assicurarvi che la vostra famiglia e i vostri amici possano entrare in Paradiso, qua

- Dice Gesù: Pregate, pregate la Mia Divina Misericordia alle 15 di tutti i giorni e potrete salvare il mondo. (Libro delle Verità, 30 aprile 2011), qua

-  Cerchiamo 100 persone che recitino 3 Rosari al giorno per salvare l'Italia, qua 

- Applicazione per Android:"Crociata di preghiera" ed Ebooks Programma di Preghiera in formato ePUB per per tablet e smartphone, qua 

- "Figlia Mia, i figli di Dio saranno in grado di proteggere la loro fede, il loro coraggio e la loro sicurezza durante tutte le guerre, se continueranno a pregare la Crociata di Preghiera del Sigillo del Dio Vivente. Questo è uno degli ultimi e il più grande Sigillo di Protezione inviato dal Cielo, di tutte le preghiere date all’umanità", qua

- Siete tutti calorosamente invitati a seguire il programma di preghiera del nostro gruppo qua e qua

 ISCRIVETEVI ALLA NOSTRA NEWSLETTER o SEGUICI ATTRAVERSO I FEED RSS : Il sistema avvisa che manca la conferma di alcune persone e perciò non si è attivata per loro la newsletter qua

- Nei nostri blog il Libro della Verità on line e Prepararsi per la Seconda Venuta potete leggere tutti i messaggi ricevuti da Maria della Divina Misericordia e scaricare diversi file stampabili che contengono diversi formati del Libro della Verità
JULY 24, 2016

Dearly beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:

I bless you and as the Mother that I am of Humanity, you remain in My Heart. May the heart of the one who lives in continual search of conversion not be troubled.


Children of My Immaculate Heart, Humanity finds itself in confusion; you ask one another what to believe and in what to believe. This way of working and acting is not in accordance with the Divine Will set out in the Law of God: in the Commandments, which are non-transferable, unchangeable and inalterable. They are the Eternal Will of the Father in order that His children do not enter into confusion and clearly remain within Love, fulfillment and practice, obeying the Divine Will.

You, whom I love, you My children, I call you to remain steadfast and unmovable. Your brothers need testimonies that motivate them to continue in the pursuit of saying yes to God without faltering, without tiring, without setting aside commitment to neighbor and to each person individually.

I had mentioned to you that uncertainty would be the nightmare of the People of My Son, and thus you are living it. Terrorist acts are occurring with greater frequency, the aim is to frighten, to create chaos and to lead man to impatience and bewilderment. I ASK YOU TO NOT DOUBT, BUT TO STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH IN EACH EXPLANATION OF THIS WORD OF MY SON.

Whom is evil pursuing? The innocent, the poor children of this Mother, but above all it is pursuing young people in order to take them to form part of this terror that is expanding everywhere, without any fear or amend hesitation. How I grieve over these works and acts!
The devil seeks My children in order to make them fall and so that they abandon My Son, transgress the Law of God and be those who interrupt the fraternity that My Son asks of you and has entrusted to each person, in order that in complete fraternity you might progress in Love , Charity, Hope and Faith.

For the one who is not Love it is difficult to walk. Continue receiving My Son in the Holy Eucharist. Discover the Divine Presence in every instant of life, in all creation, so that, in being aware of it, you at the same time be tireless seekers of the Truth.

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, you are aware that the smoke of Satan has invaded the Church of My Son and that evil therefore rejoices in shaking those who are Mine, threatening the Faith of My Son's People.

THE DIVINE WORD IS ONE: YESTERDAY, TODAY AND ALWAYS, IT IS AND WILL BE. The threats of ideologies and sects towards the Church of My Son have become reality. From within the Church itself they attack it, oppress it and distort the true Divine Word in order that chaos spread and the faithful depart from the Church that My Son instituted.

THERE IS DIVISION AND THE CHURCH OF MY SON WILL BE STRONGLY SHAKEN TO ITS FOUNDATIONS. Some of My Priests have set aside the true Teaching to My Son's People, in this instant serving interests foreign to the Divine Will. Freemasonry has strongly influenced the faithful People, it has given them conditional teaching regarding the true Faith and for this reason the weak Faith of My children is like a weathervane in the wind, and even doubts what it believes.


CHILDREN, insist on crushing THE HUMAN EGO WITH DIVINE LOVE IN ORDER THAT IT DOES NOT RESIST. Do not forget that love conquers all and remains in constant evolution, because from every act or work it receives the equivalent of these acts and works for the good or ill of the human creature.


Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:

The instant, that is no instant, is God's time in which every revelation is being fulfilled. Live in peace and do not despair or become anxious. Faith in the Love and Mercy of My Son for you must be greater, and do not despair. In every instant actions must sum up this testimony of true Christians before your brothers and in secret. In this way, the waiting is not feared as much, nor will Divine Justice lead you to despair, as you are a reflection of the acting and working of the true child of My Son.

The human will should overcome every attack in order forcefully to say 'No!' to what can cause it to be separated from the Divine and to depart from Eternal Happiness.

Pray children, pray for France, it suffers without respite, pray for this nation.

Pray children, pray for the United States, it suffers at the welcome they give to the devil. That same devil is pursuing it, in order that it falter and not invoke God. Suffering will be caused by minds disturbed by evil, and Nature will make it suffer.

Pray for Germany, an event will shake it.

Pray for Brazil, pray. In instants terror will invade this land.

Pray My children, in this instant of agitation, despair and lack of love for God in which Humanity is living, give way to evil's dominion over men. The way of acting is not consistent with a man who is a child of God. Humanity does not see evil in anything: wrong is right and what is right is old-fashioned. This is the ruse of satan that you do not wish to recognize, and which leads you towards the eternal fire, if you do not repent and convert.

War will be recognized as such and those who struggle for world supremacy do not delay. Humanity will be taken by surprise in the midst of fear.

Children of My Immaculate Heart:

THE DEMON URGES MAN TO SURRENDER TO HIM, MISUSED TECHNOLOGY CONTINUES TO ENSNARE THE MINDS OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Innovations are not innovations, the games they practise are traps of satan. Do not accept these traps of evil, do not be introduced into the new games, these are traps that lead you to be involved with evil.


Children, these instants are strong instants. At the same time the child of God knows that he will not be defeated if he remains on the right path.

I protect you as a Mother who loves Her children, do not fall away.
Nature is altered in the extreme.

Be those who adore My Son, and with the Love of My Son, spread blessings to all Creation.

I love you all, I bless you. I kiss your hearts so that you continue onwards, without faltering.


In every instant lift up this request:

In instants of spiritual plenitude:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.
In every instant of unity:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.
In every instant of loneliness:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.
In every trial:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.
In Faith, Hope and Charity:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.
 In blessing your family:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.
In trial and agony:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, be my strength and that of my brothers.

I bless you.

Mother Mary.