By Paul McGuire
June 28, 2016
June 28, 2016
Britain voted to leave the European Union according to what is called
the “Brexit vote.” The corporate controlled media in the
U.S. and the EU are chanting the mantra “The middle class are
revolting against the elites.” Clearly, the voice of the working
class, middle class, and what Bilderberg calls the “Precariat”
class has not been completely silenced, if people are questioning things
like trade treaties, the European Union, and a global economic system.
like George Soros and Jacob Rothschild have been issuing ominous warnings
about the Brexit, suggesting that the standard of living in the UK would
crash and global economic and social chaos is on the horizon. Yet George
Soros, like the rest of the elite, knew what was going to happen and
apparently he quietly bet against the markets and invested heavily in
gold. In addition, Eric Sprott, James Turk, and George Soros invested
in a company that moves the world into a cashless society by advancing
the digital payments revolution, where you can spend gold with a pre-paid-card
LaGarde, head of the IMF, warned of very serious negative consequences
if Britain votes to leave the EU. Back in 2014 LaGarde talked about
a global reset, or global reboot of the world’s financial system.
When she made this announcement to the Council on Foreign Relations
and the National Press Club, she used over half of her speech making
references to occult numerology and symbols. Is the British Brexit a
true revolt by the middle class, or is it a strategic manufactured crisis?
After all, the motto of the Illuminati is “Order Out of Chaos”
or “New World Order Out of Chaos.”
does not appear that the IMF has specifically settled on any single
nation’s currency to be the world’s currency, but rather,
SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights), which refers to a basket of currencies.
But it is worth noting that China has been buying massive quantities
of gold and 40 central banks have invested in the Chinese Yuan. Russia
is also buying massive quantities of gold.
we look at the Bible as an accurate historical document, as well as
a book that contains supernatural prophecies of the future, we see a
number of things regarding Great Britain, Europe, and very possibly
America. In the Old Testament the “daughter of Babylon”
is referenced over 200 times; it may well refer to the Canaanites and
Phoenicians and all those who eventually were based in Tarshish. Many
Bible scholars believe that ancient Tarshish was Great Britain. Tarshish
or Great Britain plays a significant role in Bible prophecy.
Old Testament prophet Daniel became the chief spiritual advisor to King
Nebuchadnezzar because of his supernatural ability to interpret the
King of Babylon’s dreams. Daniel interpreted a dream of the four
great Gentile World Empires, in the form of a giant statue, with a head
of gold. The first kingdom represented Babylon and the final empire
was the revived Roman Empire, which was represented by ten toes mixed
with iron and clay, representing its fragility.
scholars believe that this revived Roman Empire refers to the European
Union, which would include Great Britain, historically known as Tarshish.
Ancient England was known for its importing and exporting of tin. When
the Bible refers to the “young lions of Tarshish,” this
refers to the colonies of the British Empire such as America, Canada,
New Zealand, and Australia.
scholars believe that the European Union along with Great Britain and
its colonies constitute the revived Roman Empire. The current exit of
Great Britain from the European Union, called the “Brexit,”
is in many respects a theatrical event designed by the City of London,
which is the powerful international banking center where people like
the Rothschild’s have their headquarters, and it is directly linked
to Wall Street in America.
Transatlantic Union of international banking families, multi-national
banks, and major financial institutions connects Wall Street and the
Federal Reserve with the City of London and the institutions like the
IMF, the World Bank, G8, G20, Davos, and the Bilderberg Group, and international
banking families like the Rockefellers, and with the Council on Foreign
Relations, United Nations, and the Tri-Lateral Commission.
of the world’s four great Gentile empires were raised up in defiance
against God and created their own global governments, global religions,
and global economic systems. The foundation of all these systems is
built upon the raising up of a Luciferian or occult religious system,
a Luciferian or occult economic system and a global government to enforce
their implementation. The current revived Roman Empire, which is the
one world government, one world religion and one world economic system,
is not going to derail due to any Brexit vote.
cosmic chess game is being played between Satan and God, with men, women,
demons, principalities, and powers and the world’s elite functioning
as pawns, rooks, knights, kings, and queens. The game of chess represents
the multi-dimensional reality of life and geopolitics. The CERN Hadron
Collider accelerates sub-atomic particles in long tunnels constructed
beneath the surface of the Earth in an effort to open up what amounts
to an interdimensional portal. Dr. Mike Lamont, a scientist and director
of the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, warned, “Something may come
through the dimensional doors at LHC.”
I write in my book A
Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, the real
purpose behind CERN is to create an interdimensional portal or Stargate
which, when combined with occult, even Satanic worship rituals, allows
for the “something,” which may come through the CERN Hadron
Collider, and it may very well be an interdimensional entity or demon.
If that sounds far-fetched remember that according to the Genesis account,
the Tower of Babel was an interdimensional portal or Stargate based
on highly advanced occult-technology or what some theologians call “fallen
angel technology.” The actual root word for Babel, or Babylon,
or the Tower of Babel means the “gate of the gods.” According
to the extensive documentation in The
Babylon Code, which I wrote with my co-author Troy Anderson,
a Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, the Tower of Babel was occult
technology passed on from super-civilizations like Atlantis, which existed
before the Flood of Noah.
is a statue of the Goddess Shiva, which means the “Destroyer of
Worlds,” in front of the CERN headquarters. This same stature
of Shiva, “The Destroyer of World’s,” was displayed
at the Bohemian Grove and near the Trinity atomic bomb site, where Dr.
Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the “Manhattan Project”
and others decided to build and drop the atomic bomb on Japan at the
Bohemian Grove.
the opening ceremony of the world’s largest tunnel was a blatant
occult ritual. Some of the most powerful people in Europe participated
in the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland.
The occult elite in Europe gathered to participate in an openly satanic
ritual. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world’s largest and most
expensive tunnel in history, over 57 km long and costing 11 billion
euros. The tunnel cuts through the Swiss Alps and is supposed to be
a symbol of European unification, in contrast to rising nationalism
and closing borders.
elaborate ceremony in front of European dignitaries resembled satanic
rituals where a man dressed like a goat presided over the ritual. Men
and women workers were sent marching into the tunnel while another group
of young people in white underwear begin to grope each other sexually.
At the exterior of the tunnel there was a large all-seeing eye of Lucifer
and a simulated (we hope) human sacrifice.
to our extensive research, the Genesis account of the Tower of Babel
built by Nimrod was a warning from God to Mankind about the satanic
dangers of the Tower of Babel. God judged ancient Babylon because it
was the first trial run at a “New World Order,” which was
an attempt to build a new global planetary order, a counterfeit of the
Kingdom of God.
Creator God originally created a man and woman to live in a kind of
Heaven on Earth, a Utopia called the Garden of Eden, until Satan tempted
Adam and Eve to disobey the Word of God, and the Fall of Man occurred
which activated the law of sin and death. At that time, Satan (Lucifer)
had already led a revolution against God with one third of the angels
in attempt to overthrow the Throne Room of God and be worshipped as
God in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. Through Adam’s and Eve’s
sin, Satan became the temporary lord of this world system, also known
as Mammon.
would be highly naïve not to assume that the Brexit was orchestrated
by the elite for the benefit of the elite. This is despite the fact
that the world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion the day
Britain voted to leave the European Union; the combined loss of certain
billionaires totaled $3.9 trillion. It must be remembered that George
Soros and many other billionaires made countless billions in profit
by transferring their assets to gold. The Transatlantic Union and Transatlantic
Matrix is the biggest and most profitable business in the world, which
is manufacturing global illusion and virtual reality. The core financial
mechanism, which has been driving the global financial system from the
Tower of Babel until today, is a Luciferian system based on sorcery
and printing money from nothing! The Federal Reserve and the central
banks print money from nothing and then loan it to the governments and
the people for interest in what is called a debt-based-slavery system.
required is that the masses who live in this Scientific Dictatorship
embrace their scientifically induced trance state and learn to love
their slavery, as Aldous Huxley said. From ancient Babylon through the
Pharaoh-god-king system of Egypt, to the “divine right of kings
of Europe,” the Illuminati-based occult and magical system of
money is based on the masses believing that each unit of money has some
kind of magical or intrinsic worth. This is why Sir Arthur C. Clarke,
who wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey, stated “Science is magic.”
It is also the reason 2001 director Stanley Kubrick displayed black
obelisks which gave Man advanced knowledge through a process of Alchemical
Magic and why in the final scenes of the movie Kubrick shows a black
obelisk floating through space and a man becomes a “star child.”
recently was interviewing Dr. Werner, who I call the “Father of
Quantitative Easing,” who was in Japan during their financial
crisis during the 1990s. The Japanese financial crisis was about to
go into a full blown global financial meltdown. Dr. Werner developed
Quantitative Easing as a means of protecting the global financial system.
During the 2007 mortgage/financial crisis, which was developing into
a global financial meltdown, Dr. Werner strongly warned many of the
heads of the Federal Reserve and the heads of the central banks of Europe
that the global financial system was going into meltdown. Ben Bernanke,
the head of the Fed, observed how Dr. Werner prevented the Japanese
crisis from becoming global.
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