July 8, 2016.
Even the most cautious Catholic commentators have expressed concern over Pope Francis’ recent words and actions. The
Holy Father appears daily to sink deeper into a morass of confusion
and scandal by his remarks that either deny or call into question
longstanding Church teaching. Now, Francis has plunged us into an abyss with remarks that can only be described as blasphemous. In a public address at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, on June 16, 2016, Pope Francis stated that Jesus, in the case of the woman caught in adultery (see Chapter 8 in St. John’s Gospel) “played the fool,” “was scant on morality,” and “not a clean One”! No one knows precisely what the Pope meant, but we must do all we can to make reparation for these scandalous remarks and for all the blasphemies being broadcast in the world today. This is why we are asking you to recite the “Golden Arrow” prayer, in reparation. Please see below!
Unfortunately, there was more to cause sorrow in Pope Francis’ June 16 address. His Holiness’ terrible words about Our Lord were followed by a lamentable undermining, on his part, on moral teaching. Sister Lucy told us that satan’s attack in his final battle with Our Lady would be against marriage and the family. This attack began long ago, with the introduction of divorce, contraception and casual fornication. But the Church always stood firm, insisting on the sanctity of sacramental marriage and defending Scriptural and magisterial teaching on human sexuality – until the advent of the Francis papacy!
Now, we have the unprecedented and shocking case of the Vicar of Christ declaring publicly that “the great majority of our sacramental marriages are null”! “NULL!” They never happened! Why? Because most couples presumably pronounced their sacred vows without full knowledge of all that the words implied, according to Francis. How can he know this? He cannot. Why would he say this? We cannot search his heart. And if Francis’ reckless statements about the nullity of the majority of Catholic marriages were not enough, he added his opinion that many people who cohabitate – that is, live in fornication – have true marriages because of their commitment to one another. Can diabolical disorientation be any plainer?
What should we do as now even the Pope has undermined the sacrament of Holy Matrimony and unsettled the minds of countless Catholics? We were told by Our Lady to pray for the Holy Father, who will have much to suffer. This we should do now in great earnestness. We must do all we can to repair the damage done by these terrible words uttered by the very man charged with strengthening the Faith of his brothers and sisters and upholding the traditions of which he is supposed to be the chief guardian.
Pray. Pray. Pray. And we must continue the mission of the Fatima Center: to tell the truth about the full Message of Fatima and to work ceaselessly for the consecration of Russia. Rather than yield to discouragement we must steel our wills and commit ourselves to this battle under Our Lady’s banner. Father Gruner would have looked upon this situation with sorrow, no doubt, but also with renewed resolve! We must not falter! The battle is joined. Our victory is assured. “In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.” Let us do all we can to hasten that end! Many souls are at stake!
The Golden Arrow, in reparation for blasphemy
Our Lord told the French Carmelite nun and mystic of the Holy Face, Sister Marie de St. Pierre: “My Name is everywhere blasphemed; even the children blaspheme Me! This frightful sin, more than all others, grievously wounds My Divine Heart… Blasphemy is a poisoned arrow which continually wounds My Heart. I will give you a golden arrow wherewith to wound It delightfully and heal the wounds inflicted on It by the malice of sinners.” Then Our Lord dictated the prayer of the Golden Arrow:“May the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Adorable, Most Mysterious and Unutterable Name of God be praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all God’s creatures, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.”*
We invite you to recite this prayer, in reparation for the Pope’s recent, public statements which have spread much disheartening confusion worldwide, and for all the other blasphemous outrages which daily pierce the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. Let us do all in our power to repair for and prevent blasphemy, recalling Our Lady’s words during Her apparition at Fatima on October 13: “Do not offend the Lord our God any more, for He is already too much offended!”
*For further reparatory prayers, and to learn more about the Holy Face devotion, see
Prayers of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus of the Veil of Veronica (;
and John Vennari’s booklet The Revelations of the Holy Face of Jesus (
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