mercoledì 25 maggio 2016


by Lana
In this season, I have ministered quite a bit from the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel 3. Many have been feeling like they have been "thrown into the fire" and just when they thought it couldn't be endured anymore, the fire was turned up 7 times hotter. But IN THE FIRE, there has been a FOURTH MAN.. JESUS! He has been with His people in the fire, and He has been using the very fire that has been sent against the people of God to hinder them, to attempt to kill them, to steal from them, to destroy their calling by having them give up, or to bow down in compromise.
I felt the heart of God that MUCH has been accomplished by the Lord IN the fire. Even this fire that came to harm you, the Lord has preserved you and is turning it and using it for your good. (Genesis 50:20) I felt the heart of God to encourage His people that NOTHING has been LOST in the fire because He is the God of RESURRECTION POWER and RESTORATION.
The fiery darts of fire that the enemy has shot at you, the Lord is turning them by His Spirit, and they will be the very ARROWS that ACCELERATE YOU!!!
I heard the Lord say "I am turning the furnace. I am turning the furnace!!"
Instantly I had a vision and I saw a door in the midst of the fiery furnace of opposition. It was a doorway right in the middle of the fire. The Lord opened the door in the midst of the fire of opposition and I could see the dial for the adjustment of the heat and the Lord turned it up to 7x7 as hot. Double the heat of what the fiery furnace was. But instead of intense fire of opposition and trial, it was a DOUBLE PORTION of the FIRE OF HIS LOVE!!!!
The Lord then spoke again "I am turning the furnace. I am turning the furnace. The furnace of My love! The furnace of the fire of My love! Get ready for amazing, deep, mind and heart blowing encounters with My love. In this 'turning of the furnace' you are now going to see the fire of My love for you that consumes Me. That burns for YOU. Where the fiery furnace of opposition attempted to DEFINE YOU in this season, in this turning, I am releasing the SEAL OF THE FIRE OF MY LOVE UPON YOU!!!! You are going to be CONSUMED by My love like you have never experienced before. Double portions! Such weight and intensity of My fire, the fire of My love that you will be FOREVER CHANGED."
"In the fiery furnace of My love that is getting hotter and hotter as the revelation of My love is released, I am allowing CLOAKS OF SELF-CONDEMNATION to be revealed. Cloaks that many of you My beautiful people have placed upon yourselves by what you have spoken over yourself and your inner beliefs about who you are and what defines you, that is NOT true. I am allow these to come to the surface with INTENSITY, because in the DEEP UNPRECEDENTED encounters with Me and My love in this "fiery furnace" that I have turned, you will receive MANTLES of My fire, impartations of My fire, the fire of My love that is going to affect EVERYTHING, CHANGE EVERYTHING and see the fire of My love released with INTENSITY everywhere you go. Every where your feet tread, ATMOSPHERES will be changed and BLAZING TRAILS of the fire of My love. Where the enemy has attempted to lead many of you off the paths that I have for you, the paths that I have orchestrated for you as you move forward onto them, out of these encounters will you see the MANIFESTATION of the fire of My love in ways you cannot even fathom. There will be healing, shifting, saving, redeeming, restoring, resurrecting. LOVE will explode from you everywhere you go as the INNER has been consumed by My love, so the OUTER will be affected and changed."
The shift in the 'turning of the furnace' is going to be so significant, it will be COMPLETELY TANGIBLE, there will even be signs and wonders in the natural to confirm the TURNING. Where the enemy has tried to burn you out, you are now going to BURN FOR JESUS like you never have before and have the burning conviction of HOW LOVED YOU ARE!!!!!!! Strength, boldness, confidence, greater sight and healing will take place not only in accelerated ways, but for many it will be instantaneous in the 'SHIFT' and 'TURN' of the furnace.
I felt the Lord say "I am about to unveil the purity that I have built in the hearts and lives of My people in the fire of opposition and trial as they have said YES to Me. I am about to unveil My handiwork, My healing and restoration in the transition into these unprecendented encounters with the fire of My love. Many are going to see how I have refined character and integrity, I have cleaned out impure motives, I have used all of this season, to see My people looking more like Me. I have birthed a cry in the fire in My people of "I JUST WANT YOU JESUS! IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU JESUS AND ALL FOR YOU!!" I have birthed the "PURE IN HEART shall see God!!!" in the fire of opposition and trial. It's time to SEE ME like you have NEVER seen Me. To look into My eyes burning with the fire of My love for you and be transformed even more. As I have been strengthening the foundations, cleansing the hearts, birthing purity and refining character and you have not fought the process, you are coming out as PURE GOLD. There is an increase in anointing in significant ways that will happen from this point. Anointings will go to a whole other level and I am releasing a HEALING ANOINTING in the increase of anointing upon My people, for I am doing a great work of healing globally in My people."
"The fiery mantles of My love that I am releasing are going to see a significant shift and increase in HEALING all across the planet, testifying "MY LOVE HEALS AND RESTORES!!"
"There is greater purity being released in the prophetic. Many of the prophets that have been walking through this intensity of the fiery furnace of opposition and trial, in that place, I have been sharpening hearing and accuracy and healing the heart and souls of My prophets. I am shaking the prophetic to bring a cleansing of competition and jealousy from amongst My prophets.
"I am birthing prophets of LOVE as they come deeper. I am birthing prophets of LOVE as they press into Me and from that place a NEW LEVEL OF PURITY in their PROPHETIC words is being released. To cleanse, heal, purge and purify My body as they prophesy. I am shaking and cleaning out areas of the prophetic that have been tainted and turned into anything but what I CREATED the prophetic to be.. a TESTIMONY OF WHO I AM, MY GOODNESS AND LOVE!!!!
"My prophets, many of you are weary, so weary of giving out and giving out, and facing fire after fire and trial after trial.. I say unto you you are going in OVER YOUR HEAD!! You will be overwhelmed in the most glorious way by the refreshing, the healing, the empowering, the strengthening that I am releasing to you right now in this turning of the furnace, that will not only see you restored and refreshed, but moving out with greater impartations of the fire of My love, purity, authority and power upon the prophetic words that you release from My heart reflecting My goodness and kindness. Get ready for a whole new level of the supernatural to manifest in the NATURAL as you PROPHESY!!!! It's time for the dry bones to rise!!"

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