lunedì 30 maggio 2016

Tuesday 10 May 2016
Believe, My children, in My Love for you.
Believe that I am with you for all is about to change and man will be given a time to decide who he wishes to follow.
If you do not believe in Me now, then you will find it harder to believe in the Time to come as your faith is sucked away by the lies of lucifer.
He draws so many of My children away because of their unwillingness to see the Truth.
Trust in Me, children, and do the things I have said: die to self and come follow Me in Truth.
I Love you.

Tuesday 17 May 2016
Believe in Me, My children.
You have lost your belief and your trust in Me.
Believe in Me and all things will become possible.
Trust in Me, your God, for it is the lies of lucifer which are destroying your belief, your trust.
It is he who controls the media and so is allowed to promote his lies but, by this, he has moved the balance and so has given Me the freedom to show this world the Truth.
Trust in Me and believe your Freedom is at hand.
I Love you.

Thursday 19 May 2016
Come to Me, My people.
Come close for this world has stepped over the line of free will. It now promotes sin and forces My people to accept sin with its corrupt law. I am about to show this world that it cannot go against Me and My Laws.
This world will pay the price of its blasphemy.
I will strike this world with the Sword of Justice and mankind will realise that this earth is not his to rule with his corruption. This earth belongs to Me: I created it in Love and I shall return it to what I created.
Your sin clouds your sight and now I will cleanse your sight for I will purge this earth of all the evil you have created with your lust and greed.
Mankind prepare!  Your God Approaches! Prepare! I Come!

Sunday 22 May 2016
Look only to Me, My children, in this, your time of need.
Do not allow self to control you.
Do not allow the lies of this world to take you away from Me.
Trust only in Me and believe in the Words I have given to you.
Read My Gospels and do not change them in order to accept sin.
Look, children, I give you Words that will guide you through these times of great darkness.
Believe I am with you.
Believe that I will guide you.
Trust in Me, My children.
I Love you.

Wednesday 25 May 2016
Come to Me, My children, and do not be slow in coming for time is short and you have not begun to prepare. Time is so short, children.  Soon the trumpet will sound and the reality that you have known will be shattered and the Triumph will begin.
The Reign of My Heart will be sounded in the heavens and all mankind will know of the imminent Return of their God.
Hurry, children, begin now as you read these Words.
Die to self, reject sin and come, follow Me, in Truth.
I Love you.

Thursday 26 May 2016
Go, My children, and do not allow fear to control you; go out to the highways and byways and tell all that the Master comes. Do not delay for I am near and you have not prepared.
Trust only in Me and do not allow this world to control you through fear.
You fear to speak of Me, you fear to say My Name and so you give lucifer the freedom he needs in order to destroy My people with his lies.
Go and tell them I am close.
This time comes to an end, it will be looked back upon as a time of great darkness, great evil when nearly all mankind rebelled against his God.
Trust only in Me and do not fear what others think of you but, rather, know that you give Me great joy when you speak of Me.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Saturday 28 May 2016
Trust in Me, trust only in Me and believe.
Do not allow anything to distract you from Me and My Ways.
Believe, My children, believe in Me, your God, and Light will begin to fill your lives; the more you believe, the more the darkness will be dispelled and then you will begin to see My Truth in a new light for in this time this world distorts My Truth for it has listened to the lies of lucifer and so suffers at his hands.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see and many of those who purport to be the shepherds of My Church have forgotten My Truth, My Ways and now walk the path of lucifer and only lead their flocks to hell.
Yes, hell, children, it does exist although many refuse to believe in its existence.
It is more real than this place that you believe in so much.
Believe in Me.
Believe in Heaven as your true home and live good lives and you will lead many to repent by your example.
Trust in Me and believe for there is little of this time left.
I Love you.

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