God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His instruction to humanity
Without the Presence of the Holy Spirit My Voice cannot be heard. So when the Holy Spirit descends on a chosen soul My Voice can be made known. But be aware. The Holy Spirit can only reside in souls who listen and simply communicate what is given to them.
The Holy Spirit may inspire people to speak the Word of God, but such souls cannot deviate from this. Anyone who writes, communicates, speaks and says that he represents the Word of God, given to him by the Power of the Holy Spirit, must never give his own interpretation of My Most Holy Word.
Anyone who proclaims the Word of God and who has been empowered by the Holy Spirit will never boast of this fact. They will never condemn another in My Name, speak ill of others or slander them. When you see this happening you will know that the Holy Spirit is not present.
So many false prophets shout at the top of their voices, boasting of the fact that they have been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit, but this is a lie. Know the liar when he says he is knowledgeable, has a great education in theology – and therefore knows more about Me than others – and then claims to have been given the authority to condemn others, who say they speak in My Name. This arrogance could never come from God.
God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His Instruction to humanity. He would never give permission to any genuine prophet, true disciple or holy servant to hurt or insult another in My Name.
Beware of the false prophets who do not have the Gift of the Holy Spirit, for they will lead you astray. They will lead you in the opposite direction to the path I have chosen for each of you.
Your Jesus
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